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Scorpio gets along with Aquarius just so-so, better be careful before commiting.

Scorpio With Aquarius:

Over time, one of you may fall in love quickly. Remember that both Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs, so stubbornness could pose a problem. Scorpio will need to keep things light at all times without being possessive. Aquarius needs to give Scorpio credit for effort and laughter. Scorpio is not shy like Aquarius wants to believe. For this to work plan trips and travel together to build a connection based on trust.

scorpio and aquarius - compatibility rank = 4 (10 is best)

Aquarius has many of outside interests and this does not sit well with Scorpio. Aquarius is too reserved for the passionate Scorpio. Humanitarian instincts are what Scorpio admires in an Aquarian, but Scorpio has no interest in sharing them with the world. Aquarius is a bit too elusive for the Scorpio, but then again, the Scorpio can usually capture anything or anyone he or she wants. Could go either way.

SCORPIO goes with Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn. (Best match is Capricorn)

Best Match For Scorpio Is Capricorn
These two can not only understand one another extremely well, but can actually match sensitivities and emotions, almost (if not actually) on a psychic level. A very long lasting relationship, these two seldom ever break up.

Worst Match For Scorpio is Aries
The somewhat possessive Scorpio will never go for the love them and leave them attitude that Aries sometimes seems to exhibit. It's not that Aries are immoral, it is just that they give this impression too often to get along for great periods with the Scorpio. Also, the "depth" of Scorpio is somewhat foreign to Aries.

How Scorpio gets along with all the signs:

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