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Weekly Horoscopes From Astrology Insight!

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These Horoscopes are for Week Starting 09 02 2024
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Aries the RamAries - March 21 - April 20 Take care of any medical problems if they've been troubling you. Romance can develop; however, it will most probably be short-lived. Don't be alarmed. Minor health problems will cause setbacks if you haven't taken proper care of yourself.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.
Taurus the BullTaurus - April 21 - May 20 You can make money if you get involved in real estate deals. Take work home but be sure to spend some time with your mate. You should follow through on educational endeavors you have wanted to pursue for some time. Don't let your personal partner hold you back or slow you down.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.
Gemini the TwinsGemini - May 22 - June 21 Put your energy into home renovations. Pamper yourself; you deserve it. You can make a difference if you offer your help at functions that involve children. You can make professional changes and direct your energy into making all the right moves. Go after your goals.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.
Cancer the CrabCancer - June 22 - July 22 Physical limitations are possible if you aren't careful. Your emotional partner will push all the right buttons this week. Don't let your emotions take over. Pay attention to small but important details.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.
Leo the LionLeo - July 23 -August 22 Don't let your partner get you going. You are best to travel or attend lectures or seminars. You could lose a good friend because of it. Help elders with their concerns. There could be disappointment regarding investments.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.
Virgo the VirginVirgo - August 23 - September 22 You may find it difficult to communicate with someone at work. Make changes to your living quarters that will please the whole family. Be courteous if you wish to avoid major delays. You will find that superiors may not see situations as you do.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.
Libra the ScalesLibra - September 23 - October 22 Avoid joint ventures and steer clear of groups that want you to contribute financial assistance. Family responsibilities are escalating. You will earn recognition for the work you are doing. This will not be the best day to make changes or renovations to your residence.

Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.
Scorpio the ScorpionScorpio - October 23 - November 21 You will have a problem with your boss if you haven't done your job. You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business. Some of your new friends may not be that trustworthy. Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those you love.

Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.
Sagittarius the ArcherSagittarius - November 22 - December 20 Spend some time with people who can shed some light on your personal situation. Family may not want to get involved but an entrepreneur will. You may be fortunate while traveling. Take special care in any home improvement project you work on this week, you'll be glad you did.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.
Capricorn the GoatCapricorn - December 21 - January 19 Your best results will come through business trips. Spend some time with the one you love. Pleasure trips will be satisfying. You will be able to make favorable changes in your living quarters. Overindulgence may be a problem.

Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.
Aquarius the Water BearerAquarius - January 20 - February 18 Difficulties with your mate may lead to isolation. Get involved in a competitive sport that will bring the challenges you thrive on. Not everything you hear will be legitimate. Don't push your mate if you want to keep this union going.

Your lucky day this week will be Friday.
Pisces the FishesPisces - February 19 - March 20 Offer consolation, but don't give them any direction. Do not get upset about situations you cannot change. Take some time out. Deep discussions may only lead to friction.

Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

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